Friday, April 19, 2019

English Class Writing Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

English Class Writing Assignment - bear witness ExampleTheir chance came when Carl was recruited to work in the U.S. Navy with both the father and son expecting too often from this break, not knowing he will just be helping in the kitchen, giving him the mock of his own color. While on break on the deck, Carl and his co-workers were watching the divers do their exercises and being lured by the waters the young man readied himself to dive, against the will of his companions and the white Americans. When an attempt was made to make him get kayoed of the water, he swam towards the middle of the sea with skill that impressed the trainer. He was then promoted as a diver, allowing him to search the dangers of his job. When an accident happened that called for an immediate rescue, Carl witnessed Billy Sunday, played by Robert DeNiro, do the rescue without any diving huckster to protect him in the water, with all passion and fervor to his duties, dived against his commanders will. This event led to a sickness that prevented him from continuing with his responsibilities, thus, was appointed to training master divers. Carl boldly went to the trainer who promoted him and expressed his wishes to become what he wanted, a master diver. The trainer laughed at this idea because black men are not allowed to be in the U.S.

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