Tuesday, December 31, 2019

What Are Cultural Factors That Promote Caribbean Integration

Cultural Integration 2.4 enterprise. Specialised knowledge of how a product works creates jobs in areas such as information technology (IT) support. multiculturalism the official Australian Government policy of encouraging immigration from diverse, ethnic backgrounds. It also refers to the promotion and encouragement of the retention of ethnic languages and cultures within Australian society. popular culture considered to be more mainstream than ‘high culture’. It is associated with ‘lighter’ forms of entertainment such as sporting events, television programs, comic strips and rock concerts. rationalisation to eliminate what is considered unnecessary, in order to make it more efficient. secular a term meaning ‘non-religious’. sovereignty†¦show more content†¦And it is what happens when you get skin cancer because of the hole in the ozone layer created by chemicals released by refrigerators and aerosol cans all over the world. But globalisation is also what happens when you use the computer at your local library to connect to the Internet and find pages of information from unions and community organisations in England, Mexico or Indonesia, which are trying to link up with workers around the world to stop the driving down of wages and the repression of trade-union activists. Globalisation is what happens when young London musicians of English, Caribbean and Indian desent begin to create new crossrhythms of black reggae, white trance and Hindi rap †¦ And globalisation is also what happens when a child sees photographs of this planet taken from space and realises that the Earth is indeed finite. John Wiseman, Global Nation? Australia and the Politics of Globalisation, Cambridge University Press, Melbourne, 1998, pp. 13–14 Defining cultural integration Cultural integration is difficult to define because it is made up of many concepts. The idea of a multicultural society reflects cultural integration at work; so too does the idea of the ‘global village’, where, through technology and trade, a seemingly borderless world is created. Cultural integration also concerns theShow MoreRelatedCaricom1012 Words   |  5 PagesThe Caribbean Community (CARICOM) is an organisation of 15 Caribbean nations (see chart N °1), 12 islands and 3 larger coastal nations in and around the Caribbean sea, bordered by the Atlantic Ocean , The Gulf of Mexico, The United States and South and Central America. This community was established by the Treaty of Chaguaramas which came into effect on August 1973 and which was signed at first by only 4 countries : Barbados, Jamaica, Guyana and Trinidad and Tobago. CARICOM was built in orderRead MoreFedex Express : A Cargo Airline1444 Words   |  6 Pagesonly in domestic markets, but also internationally. 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Monday, December 23, 2019

Sample Resume Customer Relationship Management - 1129 Words

Customer relationship management - needs to be an end-to-end practice that includes such areas as: marketing, advertising, sales, order processing, order distribution, and customer support. CRM is term that is used to define business process and technology that support identifying, gaining, and managing customer relationships. With CRM, businesses have the opportunity to store customer contact information, leads, accounts and sales opportunities in one main location. Implementing CRM will assist Waco Electronics in identifying customer requirements for designing specific marketing campaigns that target customers’ shopping and buying behaviours. Each customer needs to be treated as an individual to promote a sense of self-importance. Implementation of key employee activities such as planning, training, informing, collaborating, and supporting employees will lead to more effective customer service and improved customer satisfaction. This will lead to increased sales, greater profitability, and customers’ loyalty. 1) Address the following: †¢ Identify and discuss two ways that this organisation can use to increase sales from its existing customers; Implementing CRM will assist Waco Electronics in identifying customer requirements for designing specific marketing campaigns that target customers’ shopping and buying behaviours. Each customer needs to be treated as an individual to promote a sense of self-importance. Implementation of key employee activities such asShow MoreRelatedRecruitment and Selection Strategy Plan - Fedex1641 Words   |  7 Pagesin doing so is to let the people apply for the jobs at FedEx on the official FedEx Website. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Android Mobile os Vs Desktop os Free Essays

Mobile os Vs Desktop os Android was designed from the ground up as an operating system (OS) for mobile devices. Its built-in application and memory-management systems were engineered with battery life as one of the most critical concerns. The Android OS does not work like a desktop operating system. We will write a custom essay sample on Android: Mobile os Vs Desktop os or any similar topic only for you Order Now On a desktop OS, like Windows, Mac OS X, or Ubuntu Linux, the user is responsible for closing programs in order to keep a reasonable amount of memory available. On Android, this is not the case. The OS itself automatically removes programs from memory as memory is needed. The OS may also preload applications into memory which it thinks might soon be needed. Under the Hood of Google Android The easiest way I can think of to visualize Android’s structure is by imagining a house with five rooms The house represents Android in general. The rooms inside, however, represent the five key features in Android’s structure: * Applications * The Application Framework * Libraries * Android  Runtime * Linux Kernel. Now, imagine that each of these rooms hold a certain number of people. Each person represents an element of that room. Different rooms hold different amounts of people. Applications This first room is a doozy. It’s â€Å"people† represent all the applications that you have in Android. Games, SMS a calendar, maps, a browser, and your contacts. All applications are written in Java ,so you can add or take away as many of these as you like. The Application Framework As a developer, you’ll have full acces to the APIs used by the core apps. Android is designed so that any application can publish its capabilities. In turn, any  other  application can use those capabilities, as well. It has some security constraints, as is expected, but still. That’s pretty awesome. Along with all that, you get a Content Provider (which allows apps to share information), a Resource Manager (to help you with graphics, layout files, etc), a Notification Manager (which gives you those annoying status beeps and such), and an Acticity Manager (which manages the life cycle of your apps). All in all, when it comes to creating applications quickly and easily, Android has you covered. We’ll cover how to write an application in another article. So, you could say that the ‘people’ in this room are the managers and providers and etc. Believe me, there are a LOT. Libraries Android has a set of core libraries off of which the applications run. As always, developers can directly access these. Some of the core libraries include FreeType, SQLite, LibWebCore, and SGL. Android Runtime You could say that the ‘Android runtime’ room is pretty exclusive– it only has two people: the Dalvik Virtual Machine and the core libraries (am I getting on your nerves with this ‘people’ thing yet? ). In Google Android, there’s a tool called ‘DX’. What this does is it executes files in ‘. dex’ format, which are specially for the Dalvik Virtual Machine. This format is also created for minimal memory footprints, which makes it ideal for cell phones. The Dalvik Virtual Machine is written so it can run multiple prcesses quickly and smoothly. It relies on the Linux Kernel to do its magic. We’ll talk about that right after this. Linux Kernel Lastly, we have the Linux Kernel. This little room contains the Keypad, WiFi, Camera, and etc. drivers. The Linux Kernel holds all of Android’s internal structure together. It uses Linux 2. 6, and also acts like an abstraction layer between the hardware and the software. 6 FILE SYSTEM . 1 Storage media: NAND Android uses the YAFFS flash file system, the first NAND optimized Linux flash file system. For mobile devices, hard disks are too large in size, too fragile and consume too much power to be useful. In contrast, flash memory provides fast read access time and better kinetic shock resistance than hard disks. There are fundamentally two different types of flash memory based on their c onstruction technique: NOR and NAND. NOR is low density, offers slow writes and fast reads. NAND is low cost, high density and offers fast writes and slow reads. Embedded systems are increasingly using NAND flash for storage and NOR for code and execution. Limitations Important limitations of NAND memory include block erasure and memory wear. Block erasure means that when erasing any memory the whole block must be erased. NAND can be randomly accessed on a page basis during programming, but cannot offer arbitrary random access rewrite or erase during normal operation. To overcome this limitation, memory segments are marked to be removed or â€Å"dirty†. When the entire block is dirty, then it can be erased. Memory wear means that there are a limited number of erase-write cycles in the flash memory and at the end of its lifetime the data integrity of storage will deteriorate. Wear levelling techniques are used to uniformly use whole sections and to optimize the total lifetime of the device. Bad block management (BBM) is also used to perform write verification and remapping to spare sectors in case of write failure. 6. 2 File system for NAND: YAFFS YAFFS (Yet Another Flash File System) was developed by Toby Churchill Ltd (TCL) as a reliable filing system with fast boot time for their flash memory devices. They initially tried to modify existing flash file systems such as JFFS (used mainly for NOR) to add NAND support, but it turned out that the slow boot time and RAM consumption of existing flash file systems was unacceptable. This led them to develop a different flash file system especially for NAND according to its features and limitations to optimize performance and ensure robustness. Upon completion YAFFS performed better than existing flash file systems and can still be used with NOR, even though it is was specifically designed for NAND. YAFFS is the first flash file system specifically designed for NAND flash. YAFFS includes the following features: †¢ Journaling: a log-structured file system, which makes it robust to possible power failures. Note that YAFFS requires some RAM to maintain the data structure for its log. †¢ Garbage collection: highly optimized and predictable garbage collection strategies that makes it high performance and deterministic under hard writing. Collection is executed when free space becomes low. †¢ Lower memory requirement: it has a lower memory footprint than most other logstructured flash file systems, so it is more scalable. Flexibility: it uses a more general definition of NAND flash, is highly configurable and can be customized to work with various flash devices, different geometries, different error correction options, caching options, etc. †¢ Portability: although YAFFS was originally designed for use with Linux, its modular design make it easy and portable to many operating systems. The file-system-specific code was kept separate from t he main YAFFS file system code. The YAFFS Direct Interface (YDI) can hook up to other filesystems by applying a wrapper layer. Robustness: it is well tested and has been used in many products. Bad block handling and error correction mitigate the limitations of flash memory. We can conceptually treat YAFFS as an improved version of flash file system with following improvements: 1. YAFFS uses less run-time RAM. 2. YAFFS garbage collection is simpler and faster. 3. YAFFS uses a whole page per file for headers and provides no compression. 4. YAFFS can be used on NOR but, will not perform very well. Therefore, partition size can be a guideline to choose between YAFFS and JFFS. For smaller partition sizes JFFS is better suited whereas for larger sizes YAFFS performs better. KERNAL MODIFICATIONS Android is based on the Linux, but does not use a standard Linux kernel. The kernel enhancements of Android include alarm driver, ashmem (Android shared memory driver), binder driver(Inter-Process Communication Interface), power management, low memory killer, kernel debugger and logger. All these kernel enhancements have been contributed back to the open source community under the GNU Public License (GPL) [8]. Here we list a summary of the most substantial components : alarm driver: provides timers to wake devices up from sleep * ashmem: allows applications to share memory and manages the sharing in kernel levels. * binder driver: facilitates inter-process communication since data can be shared by multiple applications through the use of shared memory. A service registered as an IPC service do not have to worry about different threads because binder will handle, moni tor and manage them. Binder also takes care of synchronization between processes. * Power management: built on the top on standard Linux Power Management (PM) and take a more aggressive policy to manage and save power. Android is hailed as â€Å"the first complete, open, and free mobile platform. † Complete: The designers took a comprehensive approach when they developed the Android platform. They began with a secure operating system and built a robust software framework on top that allows for rich application development opportunities. Open: The Android platform is provided through open source licensing. Developers have unprecedented access to the handset features when developing applications. Free: Android applications are free to develop. There are no licensing or royalty fees to develop on the platform. No required membership fees. No required testing fees. No required signing or certification fees. Android applications can be distributed and commercialized in a variety of ways. Android instead has its own Linux power extension, Power Manager instead. The core power driver (Shown at the bottom of Figure 3 as â€Å"Power†) was added to the Linux kernel in order to facilitate this functionality. This module provides low level drivers in order to control the peripherals supported by the Power Manager. These peripherals currently include: screen display and backlight, keyboard backlight and button backlight. Each peripheral’s power is controlled through the use of Wake Locks. These locks are requested through the API whenever an application requires one of the managed peripherals to remain powered on (Each lock setting shown in Table 1). If no wake lock exists which â€Å"locks† the device, then it is powered off to conserve battery life. In the case of multiple power settings the transition is managed through the use of delays based on system activity. A sample of this behaviour is shown in Figure 4 for the screen backlight. In addition to Wake Locks the Power. How to cite Android: Mobile os Vs Desktop os, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Situational Transformational Transactional -Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Situational Transformational Transactional? Answer: Introduction Tom has been recently promoted to a new managerial position and he is kind of overconfident with his expertise. He is not ready to listen to the advice that his boss has to share with him. He was not really clear with the exact business demand. In other words, they were not really sure about what is the exact Kiosk business demand that would attract the attention of the customers (Berson et al. 2015). Employees need a reason to care about contributing One of the managerial issues that were present in this company was perhaps the lack of motivation or the lack of a reason to contribute towards the overall growth of the company. Frank must try and use methods that would motivate all his employees. He must try the method of praising and appreciating his employees and their ideas. Though Tom seems very ambitious and is not ready to get the guidance of any of his superiors, but he does have some very good expertise in his own filed. So, if Frank keeps on overhearing them then Tom would no longer feel wanted within the company. Managers need to create a positive work environment The managers did not put forward any effort to make a positive environment for the employees. In the strategic planning meeting, there was a constant clash of interest between Tom and Frank Davis. Even during the meeting, they were not very confident regarding their agenda. Tom was not ready to take any suggestions from Frank and vice versa (Avolio 2016). Egotism and overconfidence of employees Egotism of the employees often becomes one of the major problems. The same was happening in the given scenario. Tom was ambitious and was overconfident about his skill and his expertise. As a result of this, he was not even ready to take any piece of advice from his superiors. So, this was becoming a major issue in the path of progress of Tom in particular and the overall organization in general. The above-mentioned issues are likely to cause several impacts on the business organization. If there is such a miscommunication and confusion among the senior management employees then it is likely to have a very big impact on the morale of the other employees. They will be suffering from this constant fear and threat that if this is the condition among the two senior managers or the leaders then there will be no one to guide them in future. They will also be very afraid about their future growth and development. They might feel that their voices will never be heard within the organization and they will always be dominated by their bosses. If these issues are not resolved then there will be a major problem in the overall production of the company. There will be a constant problem in communication among the employees. There will be power struggle going on around in the company. No one will be ready to take the opinion of others. It is clearly evident from the behavior of Tom. He feel s that whatever knowledge he has is sufficient and he does not need to follow the advice of any of his superiors. Similarly, Frank who is Toms boss, must also be a bit tolerant towards Tom and must at least pay some attention in listening to his ideas. The leaders or the bosses will have to be tolerant and patiently deal with any and every issues that their followers. It is true that Tom is new to his promoted post and is not very well acquainted with all the job roles and responsibilities, he is also way too ambitious, but Frank must realize that Being a leader it is his responsibility to help Tom realize his mistakes and correct them. The three motivation theories that must be used in the context of the above-given scenario are as follows McGregors theory X and theory Y talks about two different sets of human behavior that is visible within any business organization. It can be seen in the given scenario that Tom does not like any change in his routine work schedule. Though he has been promoted to a new post he likes to concentrate on his own projects and plans rather than listening to his boss Frank. So, tom's present behavior can be categorized under theory x. So, it is wise for Frank to apply theory Y which will make Tom much more responsible and he will also become obedient towards Frank. For doing this Frank can reward Tom for his excellent work or can at least listen to Toms business ideas and views rather than rejecting them fully. Frank can also apply Herzbergs motivation theory. There are two different factors namely hygiene factors and motivators. Tom currently is demotivated by the hygiene factors (Lawter, Kopelman and Prottas 2015). He does not like the constant supervision by Frank. He is also uncomfortabl e with the working conditions as well. He resents the fact that his business ideas are constantly being overlooked by Frank and he is also being asked by his seniors to work on his behavior and to take suggestions from other managers in order to gain the expertise. All these factors are demoralizing Tom. So, if Frank applies the motivators then perhaps he will be able to make things right for Tom. He has to use methods like recognition, level of responsibility. Frank must try to recognize the expertise and the talents of Tom to some extent and must believe him with the assigned responsibilities. Frank can also use the Maslows hierarchy theory (Anderson 2014). For ensuring that the employees are motivated, Frank has to ensure that all the needs of an employee have to be fulfilled. So, he has to focus on the safety needs, the belongingness need and also the esteem needs. The sense of belongings has to be inculcated among all he employees working within the organization and particularly within Tom. If Frank constantly keeps on rebuking Tom for everything and does not pay any attention to whatever he has to say then Tom will never be able to feel that he is a part of the organization. He will suffer from this feeling that he is being ignored at every step and he is not being accepted by his Boss and also by rest of his co workers. On the other hand Tom also needs to be corrected because he is not ready to listen to the advices of his superiors. So, it is advised that that If Frank wants to amend all these situations in his organization, then he will have to implement all these r ules. He will have to make sure that all the efforts that Tom has given so far are recognized properly and are rewarded and recognized so that Tom can feel wanted within the organization. Selection and recruitment This method must be used in this company as it will help to make a proper selection among the employees for the respective posts. There are many different methods that must be followed by the management before selecting the employee for the post. Though Tom is a very talented employee he is way too ambitious and does not really want to stay under the guidance or the supervision of any of his superiors. So, this would not have happened if Frank had done an analysis previously about Tom or would have taken a vote from the rest of the employees regarding Toms conduct with them. So, from now on he must follow this process so that he has complete information about the employee before hiring him for a particular post. The information will not only be about the talents or the knowledge of the employee but also about the behavior and the conduct of the same (Hitka and BalÃ… ¾ov 2015). There has to be a proper selection method and a voting system that will help in selecting the right employee . Performance management This process will also be very much helpful in the context of this particular organization because it seems that there is a strong miscommunication among the employees. There is also a huge clash of interests taking place between Frank and Tom. In order to ensure that this does not cause any harmful effects on the overall performance of Tom, Frank must use several methods like emphasizing on the appraisal process, awards and recognition and several other such methods. If Frank wants to improve the present situation within the organization, then he has to ensure complete employee satisfaction. He must give Tom some freedom so that he is able to manage his work independently (Matthews et al. 2015). Two of the leadership theories that Frank must use in order to improve the current situation of his organization are as follows As it can be seen that currently the situation in Frank's organization is quite disturbing and there are several clashes of opinions taking place between Frank and Tom. This is also creating a harmful impact on the rest of the employees. In order to handle this situation, Frank must use the theory of situational leadership. In other words, he must act as per the need of the situation. In this situation, Frank must try to support and motivate Tom. Frank must lead Tom in a right way. He must recognize the efforts and the ideas of Tom and must show him his faults in a polite and friendly manner. Frank must not use abuse or accuse Tom of his misconduct rather he must be friendly towards Tom and must show him the right path to proceed (McCleskey 2014). The situation demands that Tom has to be guided properly by Frnak. Transformational leadership Frank must follow this particular theory of leadership so that he can bring about a change in the present behavior of Tom. Tom has been promoted to a new post and he is not really aware of the fact that he needs to learn from his seniors as well. He thinks that whatever he knows is enough and he does not want to follow the orders of his superiors. This mentality, however, needs a change or a transformation. Frank has to bring about this change by making Tom understand that taking the help from his coworkers and his seniors will guide him in the long run (Banks et al. 2016). References Alshmemri, M., Shahwan-Akl, L. and Maude, P., 2017. Herzbergs two-factor theory.Life Science Journal,14(5). Anderson, A., 2014. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.The Prairie Light Review,36(2), p.7. Avolio, B.J., Keng-Highberger, F.T., Schaubroeck, J., Trevino, L.K. and Kozlowski, S.W., 2016, January. How Follower Attributes Affect Ratings of Ethical and Transformational Leadership. InAcademy of Management Proceedings(Vol. 2016, No. 1, p. 16854). Academy of Management. Banks, G.C., McCauley, K.D., Gardner, W.L. and Guler, C.E., 2016. A meta-analytic review of authentic and transformational leadership: A test for redundancy.The Leadership Quarterly,27(4), pp.634-652. Berson, Y., Halevy, N., Shamir, B. and Erez, M., 2015. How should leaders construct and communicate their messages to most effectively motivate their employees? We offer an integrative framework to address the diverging and complementary nature of two established approaches to employee motivation: Vision communication and goal setting. Specifically, while vision communication involves formulating relatively abstract, far-reaching, and timeless messages,...The Leadership Quarterly,26(2), pp.143-155. Greiner, B., 2015. Subject pool recruitment procedures: organizing experiments with ORSEE.Journal of the Economic Science Association,1(1), pp.114-125. Hitka, M. and BalÃ… ¾ov, Ã… ½., 2015. The impact of age, education and seniority on motivation of employees.Business: Theory and practice,16, p.113. Lawter, L., Kopelman, R.E. and Prottas, D.J., 2015. McGregor's theory X/Y and job performance: A multilevel, multi-source analysis.Journal of Managerial Issues,27(1-4), p.84. Matthews, J., Love, P. E., Heinemann, S., Chandler, R., Rumsey, C., Olatunj, O. (2015). Real time progress management: Re-engineering processes for cloud-based BIM in construction.Automation in Construction,58, 38-47. McCleskey, J.A., 2014. Situational, transformational, and transactional leadership and leadership development.Journal of Business Studies Quarterly,5(4), p.1